Baltic defence ministers are committed to make major investments in region’s combat capabilities

05/27/2024 - 10:16
In Latvia
International cooperation
Information prepared by
Media Relations Section

Baltic defence leaders’ meeting took place on Wednesday, 22 May in Palanga. Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian defence ministers confirmed continued and ever closer cooperation to strengthen the defence of the Baltic region. 

“Baltic countries stand as one when it comes to strengthening of regional security. We are ready to face any threats shoulder-to-shoulder. We agreed to deepen our cooperation in the field of special operations. We are also working on joint procurements. Together with NATO we are building regional air defence system and getting ready for increased allied presence in the region,” Andris Sprūds, Defence Minister of Latvia, said after the meeting with Baltic counterparts.

During the meeting, defence ministers also stressed the importance of mutual cooperation in the field of security and defence, especially on Baltic Defence Line and counter-mobility infrastructure which is intended to deter and prevent any enemy advances deeper into the territory of Baltic states by defending every inch of the land.

Minister Sprūds continued his visit in Palanga with Ministers of Defence of the Northern Group meeting on Thursday, 23 May. Meeting focused on security situation in the Baltic and North-Atlantic regions, support for Ukraine and forthcoming NATO Summit in Washington, as well as other current priorities.

“Northern group countries remain united and committed to further strengthening of regional security and defence. We will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary. We support Ukraine’s strategic progress towards NATO and EU membership. All countries confirmed their readiness to continue increasing national military capabilities to contribute to more robust regional security and defence of the NATO northeastern flank,” Defence Minister said after the high-level discussion.

Northern Group is an informal cooperation forum that brings together 12 countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, three Baltic countries, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Great Britain. Purpose of the format is to agree on implementation of joint defence development projects. 

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